A Typical Summer Day in the Life of Adam Howard

My day begins when I wake up and find the sun illuminating my window shades. I spend the first few minutes in bed getting used to being awake. After this I put my housecoat and slipers on and go downstairs to eat breakfast.

By the time I get downstairs, my sister has already finished eating, which makes my breakfast more peaceful. I go into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of Cheerios and 2% milk, and get myself a Pop Tart. Then I go into the dining room to eat my breakfast.

While eating my Cheerios, I can see and hear the birds chirping in the trees through the open window. After I finish eating my Cheerios, I take my Pop Tart and dunk it in the milk left in the bowl. As far as I am concerned, this is the best way to eat a Pop Tart. When finished, I drink the milk and put the bowl in the kitchen sink.

After eating breakfast, I go upstairs and take a shower. When I finish my shower, I go to my room and get dressed. Then after that I go outside for a while, coming in after being bitten up enough by mosquitoes.

After coming in, I look inside the living room. If my sister is in there and watching something, I go up to my room and fall on my bed. If not I might watch the television for half of an hour to an hour. Then I go upstairs and lay on my bed. Either way I spend quite a while lying on my bed. Then I go to eat lunch.

The rest of the day I don't really do anything specific. Much of the time I spend lying on my bed doing nothing. (I'm not saying I don't like all that time away from school, they should just do something to make summer days shorter.)

After supper, my family might watch a rented movie or a television show. At 10:30 to 11:00 I got to bed, and fall asleep within 20 minutes.

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