Untitled: First appearance of Super Jerod

One day, a boy named George was sitting at home eating Fritos and watching "Tom and Jerry" reruns when all of the sudden, a tornado swpt the house into the sky and dropped it in the land of Bad Taste.

George looked around. Suddenly a giant hand grabbed him and dragged him into a cave. The creature who had grabbed the boy then threw him out of the cave, breaking both of his legs in the process. There didn't seem to be any hope left for George.

All of a sudden, a roar split the sky. Super Jerod had arrived!

"Boy, Super Jerod, am I glad to see you," said George.

"And I'm glad to see me too."

"Forget about yourself and get me out of here. The creature is headed this way," said George. To George it seemed like a few minutes went by. "Why aren't we going anywhere?" said George.

"Because my cape's stuck, that's why!"

"Forget about the cape, let's just get out of here."

"But I can't fly without my cape!"

"You can't even fly with your cape," said George.

"Don't remind me." Super Jerod struggles to get George on his back. Finally, they're off.

"Super Jerod, can't you go any faster?" asked George?

"I could, but my hair would get messed up."

"Your hair is messed up!"

Oh no! Whatever shall I do?"

"For starters, put that mirror down and get running!" said George.

But it was too late. The monster was upon them.

"Don't worry, George. I'll just kick this big boulder at him and knock his lights out." Super Jerod kicked the boulder. It moved two inches. Super Jerod didn't move, he was frozen in the position of when his foot hit the boulder.

"Are you all right, Super Jerod?" asked George.

"I think I broke something."



"Oh no!" said George. "Hey, wait a minute! Super heroes can't get hurt!"

"I had you going there, didn't I?"

"Come on, Super Jerod, let's get out of here."

Super Jerod gets George on his back again and they start running away.

"Hey, look at that creature! It's running away from us. I told you I was a good superhero."

"Uh, Super Jerod, don't look down," said George.

"Why not? "Help!" yelled Super Jerod at the top of his voice. "Why did you do that? If I hadn't looked down we would have made it across. But nooo, you had to open your big mouth!"

"Super Jerod! Look! We're not in that terrible world anymore. We're falling back to Milwaukee!" said George.

"Thank goodness."

"Super Jerod, are you sure you can't fly?"

"I'm sure. But I am pretty good at gliding."

"That's great!" exclaimed George.

"Not exactly. I left my glider at home," said Super Jerod. "But if I splash us down in the lake, it won't be such a hard landing, but we'll get wet."

"Anything's better than having every bone in your body broken," said George.

After getting home and changing, George went back to the living room, turned on the TV, and began eating Fritos as though nothing had happened.

Finally his dad got home. "Hi George, how was your day? Never mind. I'll bet you had the most boring and unexciting day of your life."

"Yeah, I'll bet," said George.

The End

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