Untitled: Second appearance of Super Jerod

It was almost a normal day in Wisconsin. George was in the dining room, staring at the corner.

"You will stay here and think about what you did," said his father.

Actually, George wasn't thinking about what he did. In fact, he didn't even remember what he did. So George was destined to sit in the corner.

All of the sudden, a roar split the sky. It was -- a bolt of lightning.

Then there was a knock at the door. George went to it and opened the door. At the door was Super Jerod.

"I don't usually make big appearances," Super Jerod admitted. "Don't worry, George, I'll get you out of here."

"Don't be so sure, Super Jerod, my dad will knock your lights out first," said George.

Super Jerod thought nothing of this statement. "Oh yeah? Well watch this!" said Super Jerod.

Super Jerod went to George's Dad's bedroom, flung the door open, and said, "I'm Super Jerod and I'm getting your son out of here and there's nothing you can do about it!" Super Jerod then turned to George and said, "What do you think of that?"

George's Dad came out to Super Jerod and said, "You going to take my son, are you? Take this instead!" With that he pouned his fist into Super Jerod.

Before he fell, Super Jerod turned to George and said, "You were right." He then fell, and was out cold for 15 minutes.

FInally, he woke up. "Where am I?" he asked.

"You're at my house," said George.

"I guess I failed you," said Super Jerod.

"Well, not exactly," said George. "The day didn't turn out as boring as I thought it would!"


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