First Journal Entry

The first day back at school I was kinda (I don't want to say dazed, but I can't really think of any one workd that describes how it felt, so I will say dazed) dazed. Summer vacation had come to an end.

I had always expected the summer to go by quickly, but it seemed this one went by faster than any previous summers (either that or I just don't remember how quickly the other summers went by). Probably because I was doing something this summer that I had hoped to finish before summer was over. (Sorry about the incomplete sentence; this one too.)

But, getting back to what I started out with, school was not exactly the first thing on my mind. When I got to school I threw my notebooks in my locker and went upstairs and sat by someone I knew. We talked for a while, then Chris joined us. After maybe 15 minutes, I decided to go find where my first class, Mechanical Drawing, was located. I bid farewell to my friends, then proceded to the basement of the old building.

Fortunately my class was right at the bottom of the stairs, so I didn't have to search for too long. After the bell rang the teacher got to the room, unlocked the door, and we all went in. This teacher seemed to be pretty OK and he said the class was an easy one so that's good. Before I go any further describing this or any other particular class of mine, I'd like to write what my schedule is; not the classes, but the floors they are on. They are as follows: Basement, Third Floor, Basement, Second Floor, Basement (Homeroom), First Floor (lunch), 2nd Floor, Third Floor, Basement. Although the ups and downs make for a lot of running, they make the schedule easier to remember; there is almost a pattern to their arrangement. The next class I have is Geometry, with two teachers (I don't remember either of their names).

After Geometry (Honors) is Biology Honors with (I think) Ms. Langhoff. She said we could use any paper to do our homework on, so I did. (Next time I might use toilet paper or Kleenex.) My next class is English II Honors, this class. I seem to have a lot of people I know in many of my classes. Which can be a good or bad thing, depending on the person. My next class is not a class as such, but homeroom. At least there's no Channel 1 till Monday. Next is lunch. (I could go for some food right about now.) After lunch I have Latin II, whihc looks just like Latin I, except it has two I's not one. After that is keyboarding (what fun), and then Health. Then after the afternoon announcements I get to leave school, go home, drink half a gallon of ice water and sit in front of a fan while watching Headline News (A CNN Network) to catch up on the days events.

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