"A Slander"

In the story "A Slander," the theme is not directly stated but gradually revealed throughout the story. The scene is set for the theme when Vankin accuses Ahineyev of kissing the cook. Because he was so vain, when Ahineyev walked out of the kitchen and saw Vankin talking with people, he immediately thought he was the topic of their discussion. Being so conceited, he didn't want people to believe his kissed the cook; he went to everyone and told them what happened. Although he maintained he didn't kiss the cook, people didn't believe him due to his constant denial. A week later, Ahineyev learned that rumors had spread through the town like a wild fire; he questioned Vankin why he spread them. Vankin swore he said nothing. Ahineyev wondered how the rumors were spread, too full of himself to realize he had done it. The theme is fully exposed here, being that if a preson is too conceited, they can be their own downfall.

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